Bellevue Dental crowns

dental crown

A crown is a false covering that fits over the top of your original damaged/discoloured tooth. It is functional as well as cosmetic, as it enables you to eat normally and protects your bite.

Depending on the desired cosmetic result, we may recommend a crown made from ceramic, porcelain, resin, stainless steel or gold.

We may recommend fitting a crown if you have a tooth that is:

  • Broken, but otherwise healthy
  • Particularly weak or decayed and cannot be saved by filling
  • Very discoloured or you want it placed for other cosmetic reasons.

After checking that your tooth can support a crown, we give you full details about the treatment and costs so you can decide if you want to go ahead.

You will normally need two appointments:

1st Appointment:

  • To prepare for the crown, we will either file down the original tooth or if it is severely damaged or broken, we may build it up (fill it) so is large enough to fit the new crown.
  • We take impressions of the tooth and the teeth around it and send these to a dental lab along with a colour match for your new crown.
  • We will fit a temporary crown until your new crown is ready.

2nd Appointment:
This is normally scheduled for 2-3 weeks later.

  • We remove the temporary crown, and
  • Fit your new crown using a special adhesive and do any fine tuning for comfort in your mouth.
Your new crown should look and feel like a completely normal tooth.

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